FAQs about GDPR

Frequently asked questions relating to the Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

Q: Are you asking all NBC members to give their consent, even if not resident in the European Union?
A: Yes. We think we should treat all members of the NBC in the same way. Effective Data Protection is now a worldwide issue.

Q: I have received more than one communication from you on this matter.
A: Please accept our apologies. We are trying to ensure that all members are made aware of this issue. So, we are contacting members by email if we have an email address as well as by post (we have included a letter inside the latest issue of Neotropical Birding).

Q: If I give my consent does this mean I will receive marketing material from third parties?
A: Definitely not.

Q: If I give my consent does this mean you share my name and address with third parties?
A: We do not sell our membership list to anyone. However, technically speaking we do share names and addresses with third parties because this is necessary to communicate with you. The reason is because the NBC does not have any employees (it only has trustees and volunteers) and so we use consultants and organisations we trust (such as the RSPB) to handle our mailings.

Q: Does it matter to the NBC if I only consent to communication by email?
A: Yes. Sometimes the NBC has to communicate by post. Sending raffle tickets is an example. So we prefer members to consent to both post and e-mail.

Q: If I do not give my consent will I continue to receive communications from the NBC?
A: Yes and no. We can only send you what is done in performance of our legal (including contractual) obligations or where the law says we have a legitimate interest in contacting you. Therefore, you would continue to receive the NBC’s publications (Cotinga and Neotropical Birding). However, we could not send you anything else, such as news of NBC trips or fundraising matters.

Q: How important is fundraising income to the NBC?
A: In a word – vital. Income from raffles and trips makes a material contribution to the current level of the Conservation Awards fund. These activities are dependent upon communicating with members. If that stops, self-evidently we will have to make fewer conservation awards or find alternative income sources. The latter is not easy in the current economic climate.

Q: Can I withdraw my consent once given?
A: Yes, you can do this by contacting the NBC secretary

Q: Where can I find more information about how the NBC collects and uses personal data?
A: Please click here to see the Privacy & Cookies notice on this website. Please note this is updated from time to time.

Q: I would like to read more information about GDPR. Where can I find this?
A: Please see http://ico.org.uk