Welcome to

Neotropical Birding and Conservation


Neotropical Birding and Conservation is an international organisation for birders and ornithologists interested in the birds of the Neotropics (Mexico, Middle and South America, and the Caribbean). NBC has been helping to conserve the birds of the Neotropics since 1994.  NBC carries out various activities and the pages of this website describe them in detail.  A full description of  NBC’s activities can be found on the About NBC page, but for those who prefer to skip straight to the main pages, our publications Cotinga and Neotropical Birding are described on NBC publications page, and our conservation work is described here: Conservation. Having learned about what we do we hope you’ll decide to join NBC and details of how to do so are described on the Join & Support page. NBC’s Corporate Supporters are shown in the column to the right and we thank them for their support.

Versión española por debajo

Selected items on this page

Our latest publications

Report from Avian Odyssey – Birds : Brilliant and Bizarre

Problems when making payments through Stripe

New NBC Mugs and pins available for purchase

2023 David Fisher Memorial Lecture

Change in the Officers of NBC

Here are our latest journals. Click on the covers to see the table of contents and samples of articles:

NB35 – Published July 2024 C45 – Published July 2024 NB34 – Published March 2024

Change in the Officers of NBC

After more than two decades as NBC’s Treasurer Chris Collins has decided to step down. We thank him for all his contributions over so many years. In consequence Council has agreed a change in Officers. Mike Dawson takes over as Chairman in succession to Raymond Jeffers, Raymond becomes Treasurer and Chris Balchin remains as Secretary. Short biographies of Mike, Raymond and Chris can be found on here. The changes were effected on 1 September 2024.


Council news

John Clark has decided to retire from Council with effect from Monday 8 April 2024. John joined Council in December 2019 at the invitation of the then chairman David Fisher. His many years of Neotropical & world birding, and his experience working with conservation bodies, made him a great font of knowledge for Council. We will miss his wise counsel and thank him for all his contributions to Council.

We are delighted that John has confirmed that he will continue to be a supporter of NBC, and that we can continue to call upon his expertise. We certainly will!

Raymond Jeffers.

Chair of NBC


New editorial team for Cotinga

Guy Kirwan is stepping down from his role as Senior Editor of Cotinga. Guy has been involved with the journal since day one (1994). We thank Guy for his hard work and leadership over so many years. Under his stewardship Cotinga has established itself as a highly respected ornithological publication.

We are delighted to announce that, with effect from the next issue (46), the editorial team will comprise Juan Freile (senior editor) and James Lowen (deputy editor) together with the current associate editors Adrián Azpiroz, Thiago Costa and Andrew Vallely. All will be known to members as they have for many years been involved with either Cotinga or Neotropical Birding. We thank them for taking up these roles.

NBC Council

David Fisher Memorial Lecture

The AGM took place on Wednesday 3rd May. Following on the close of the AGM, those present viewed the inaugural David Fisher Memorial Lecture given by Alex Lees on the topic of bird migration in the Neotropics. Please click here to view the lecture. Many thanks to Alex for an excellent presentation.

Free copy of the 25th Anniversary bumper edition of Neotropical Birding!

Not an NBC member? We have a special offer for you.  We are making digital copies of Neotropical Birding 25, which was published in August 2019, available free to anyone who wants one.  If you enjoy reading NB25 we hope you will consider supporting the NBC by joining and receiving our 2020 publications.  And please tell all your friends about this so they can download and read NB25 as well.

high resolution download or low resolution download.

Cotinga 39 now available for free download –

The full contents of Cotinga 39 are now available for free download from here.

Free publications: Issues 1-39 of Cotinga are now available for free download via this website. The NBC is grateful to Steve Smith for creating digital copies of the first 19 volumes of the journal. Click here: Cotinga 1-42 . 

Problems using Firefox

There is a problem using Firefox for payments on this website. If you experience problmes completing a card payment a different browser may work. We have not seen the problem with Edge.

Links with eBird –

As most people are now aware, eBird has become the main data gatherer for bird records around the world and it would be a great benefit to eBird if all NBC members could submit their records to eBird either via their main site or via the eBird Regional Portals.  Full details of these, with easy links are available here.

Neotropical Birding 1-10 now available for free download –

The full contents of Neotropical Birding issues 1 to 10 are now available for free download.  In addition, we have now made available for free download some of the articles in more recent issues of Neotropical Birding.  Specifically, most of the very popular  Splits, lumps, and shuffles series are now available, as are most of the recent Conservation Awards summaries.  Please see the NB index pages here and look for papers with the titles highlighted in green and underlined.

Website Terms & Conditions of Use updated July 27th 2020

As of 27th July 2020 this websites Terms and Conditions of Use have been updated to view a the latest version see here

NBC Code of Practice –

Our guide to good behaviour in the field : In line with the other regional bird clubs ABC and OBC we are proud to publish our own code of practice. We hope that members will adopt this when in the field. It is envisaged that the code will be updated from time to time so please let us know if you have any comments. Remember the welfare of the birds comes first. To download a copy click here

Nuestra guía para el buen comportamiento observando aves en el campo: alineados con los otros clubes de aves regionales ABC y OBC, estamos orgullosos de publicar nuestro propio código de buenas prácticas de observación de aves. Esperamos que nuestros miembros adopten este código cuando estén en el campo. También les avisamos que este código se actualizará de vez en cuando, así que hágannos saber si tienen algún comentario o sugerencia. Recuerden que el bienestar de las aves es lo primero. Para descargar una copia del código haz click aquí.

Nosso guia para um bom comportamento no campo: De acordo com os outros clubes regionais de aves, a ABC e a OBC, temos orgulho de publicar nosso próprio código de prática. Esperamos que os membros o adotem enquanto estiverem em campo. Prevê-se que o código seja atualizado periodicamente, por isso informe-nos se tiver algum comentário. Lembre-se que o bem-estar das aves vem em primeiro lugar. Para baixar uma cópia clique aqui.

Keeping in touch with  NBC & Data Privacy (GDPR) –

Data protection rules require you to give us your consent before we can contact you on certain NBC matters such as, fundraising, events & volunteering opportunities. If you wish to receive such information (and have not already given your consent) you may do so by clicking here.

In using this website (for example by applying for membership), you may disclose personal information to us. Please see our Website Terms & Conditions and Privacy & Cookies Notice for information on how we collect, use, store and share your data. For further information about GDPR visit FAQs about GDPR.

The photographs on this website were taken by David Fisher and Alex Lees, unless otherwise credited.

Neotropical Birding and Conservation (NBC) es una organización internacional creada para los observadores de aves y ornitólogos interesados en las aves que se distribuyen en el Neotrópico (Meso, Sur América y el Caribe). NBC ha contribuido a la conservación de las aves del Neotrópico desde 1994. El Club lleva a cabo diversas actividades y las pestañas de este sitio web las describen en detalle. Un retrato completo de las actividades de la NBC se puede encontrar en la pestaña llamada Acerca del NBC, pero para aquellos que prefieren pasar directamente a las páginas principales, nuestras revistas Cotinga y Neotropical Birding se describen en la pestaña de publicaciones del NBC, y nuestro trabajo de conservación se describe en Conservación. Una vez que ha conocido acerca de lo que hacemos esperamos que decida unirse al NBC, los detalles de cómo hacerlo se describen en la pestaña Únete y Apoya. Los miembros corporativos del NBC se muestran en la columna a la derecha y les agradecemos por su apoyo.

Pins and mugs for sale

Please support the work of NBC by purchasing a pin or mug featuring our logo. UK Birding Pins are handling all production and sales so if you are interested in buying please click the links here  to purchase your “pins“ and “mugs“ .






