- Curiosity killed the bird: arbitrary hunting of Harpy Eagles Harpia harpyja on an agricultural frontier in southern Brazilian Amazonia
Cristiano Trapé Trinca, Stephen F. Ferrari and Alexander C. Lees
Cotinga 30 (2008): 12-15
- A avifauna do Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca e áreas adjacentes, Minas Gerais, Brasil, com uma revisão crítica dos registros prévios e comentários sobre biogeografia e conservação
José Fernando Pacheco, Ricardo Parrini, Leonardo Esteves Lopes and Marcelo Ferreira de Vasconcelos
Cotinga 30 (2008): 16-32
- Range extensions and vagrant bird species in the XII Region of Magallanes, Chile
Ricardo Matus and Alvaro Jaramillo
Cotinga 30 (2008): 34-40
- Notes on the breeding of birds in Yanachaga-Chemillén National Park, Peru
Ottavio Janni, Giovanni Boano, Marco Pavia and Giorgio Gertosio
Cotinga 30 (2008): 42-46
- Brooding behaviour and nestling description of Golden-headed Quetzal Pharomachrus auriceps
Rebecca G. Lohnes and Harold F. Greeney
Cotinga 30 (2008): 47-50
- The juvenile of the Rufous-faced Crake Laterallus xenopterus
Marcelo Ferreira de Vasconcelos, Santos D’Angelo Neto and Filipe Cristovão Ribeiro da Cunha
Cotinga 30 (2008): 51-53
- Nesting and general behaviour of Hooded Tanager Nemosia pileata in French Guiana and Surinam
Alexandre Renaudier, Johan Ingels and Steven L. Hilty
Cotinga 30 (2008): 54-56
- First record of Glittering-bellied Emerald Chlorostilbon aureoventris for Peru
Virgilio Yábar Calderón
Cotinga 30 (2008): 57-58
- Novas observações sobre o ‘rei-dos-tangarás’ no município de Corumbataí, São Paulo, Brasil
André de Camargo Guaraldo, Vanessa Graziele Staggemeier, Thais Essington Brown e Carlos Otávio Araujo Gussoni
Cotinga 30 (2008): 59-60
- The range of Rufous-rumped Seedeater Sporophila hypochroma extends to the Pampas region of Argentina, with the first nests of the species
Miguel Ángel Roda and Bernabé López- Lanús
Cotinga 30 (2008): 61-62
- Altitudinal and geographical range extension for Bicoloured Antvireo Dysithamnus occidentalis punctitectus in south-east Ecuador, with notes on its nesting ecology
J. Berton C. Harris, Rolando L. Carpio A., Mary K. Chambers and Harold F. Greeney
Cotinga 30 (2008): 63-65
- Reproductive notes on the Slender Antbird Rhopornis ardesiacus
Edson Ribeiro Luiz
Cotinga 30 (2008): 65-67
- Descrição de ninho e ovos do cardeal-de-Góias Paroaria baeri e relato de nidoparasitismo na região do Cantão, vale do rio Araguaia, Tocantins, Brasil
Túlio Dornas
Cotinga 30 (2008): 68-69
- Descripción del nido y de los polluelos del Solitario Orejiblanco Entomodestes leucotis
Frank E. Rheindt y Hector Quispe Vela
Cotinga 30 (2008): 70-71