The 23rd Neotropical Bird Club Annual General Meeting to be held at 12:30 in the Flett Lecture Theatre in the British Museum of Natural History , London SW7 5BD.
1. Apologies for absence
2. Minutes of 22nd. Annual General Meeting 2015 Click here for draft copy of 2015 AGM
3. Matters Arising
4. Chairman’s report for 2015
5. Treasurers Report and presentation of independently examined accounts for 2015 and Trustee’s report Signed copy of accounts here – sbject to AGM acceptance
6. Election of Officers –the following have agreed to stand for re-election-Chris Collins (Treasurer), David Fisher (Chairman) and Chris Balchin (secretary).
7. Election of Council –the following have agreed to stand for re-election- Carl Downing, Charles Wilkins, Rob Clay, Tom Stuart, Jez Bird (Conservation) and Alex Lees (Conservation), , Roberta Goodall Manuel Sanchez and Gordon Ellis.
Also standing for election are Robert Williams and Mike Dawson.
8. Election of Country Representatives- The following have agreed to serve as NBC representatives.
Argentina: Kini Roesler: Belgium: Dr Johan Ingels; Brazil: Andy Foster; Chile: Manuel Marin; Colombia: Diego Calderon; Denmark: Morten Heegaard; France and French Guiana: Nyls de Pracontal; Italy: Guiseppe Micali; New Zealand : Detlef Davies; Paraguay: Paul Smith; Peru: Rob Williams: Uruguay: Agustín Carriquiry; Venezuela-David Ascanio.
9. Election of Independent Examiner
11. Any other business
There will be food available from the BMNH cafe or nearby eating houses or alternatively bring a packed lunch.